restoration anchors
To restore existing buildings back to life, we offer replacement ties, stone retrofit anchors, helical anchors, mechanical anchors, and mechanical stone anchors to stabilize all types of masonry facades.

helical beaming
crack stitching


Mechanical stabilization of existing facades

Facade-Tie System
Anchors existing veneers to interior wood or steel studs

Re-anchors existing veneers to backup structures

Stone Grip-Tie
Re-attaches existing veneers less than 3 inches thick

Grouted remedial ties for stabilizing solid and cavity masonry walls

Heavy Duty Sock Anchor
Grout-Injection Sock Anchoring system to repair and strengthen masonry

Concrete Patch Tie
Anchors damaged concrete to patching material

Expansion Joint Stabilizer
Provides stability and longitudinal freedom for expansion movement

Seismic Connector
Strengthen existing walls and meet seismic requirements

Stitch-Tie Assymetric
Dual-diameter helical anchor for harder backup material

Stitch-Tie Bar Kit
Provides reinforcement in mortar joints and dutchmen

Secures delaminated stucco

Economy Setting Tool
Installs stitch-ties, available in 8mm or 10mm

Spring-Loaded Setting Tool
Heavy-duty tool to install stitch ties, in 8mm or 10mm